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Podcasting How To

There are a lot of articles talking about how to do things, like using YouTube to automatically generate podcast transcripts, that don’t actually give a full step-by-step guide. Because of this, I frequently make my own personal step-by-step guides. I’ve decided to make some of these available here in the hope that they will make it easier for others. In addition, I’m adding in other how-to articles I’ve made on the subject of podcasting so that they are all in one place.


How to Create a Podcast Transcript with is an online app that is designed for transcribing and sharing meeting notes. It is a good option for automatic podcast transcription. In particular, the ability to easily share transcripts with others and work on them together is super helpful. Because Otter is an app designed to transcribe meetings in real time, it also has potential as an accessibility tool.


How To Use YouTube to Create Podcast Transcripts

I created this reference because it is hard to get step-by-step instructions for getting audio transcripts off YouTube. This transcription technique isn’t as simple as using, but this is currently the best free option that I know of. Also, if you already use YouTube or you want to make your podcasts available on YouTube, this is a great way of doing both.


A General Style Guide for Podcast Transcription

I’ve written about tools that make the process of transcribing podcast episodes easier ( and YouTube), but it is also important to know what to transcribe and how the finished transcript should look. That’s what this style guide is for. Because style guides can be a bit abstract, all of the information in this style guide is presented three different ways.


Content Warnings Will Help Your Podcast: Here’s Why and How to Do Them

A short article that gives a solid overview of the benefits of content warnings, different things to consider when doing them, and different ways they can be done.


Making Podcasts Accessible to Disabled Audience Members

This is too big a topic for a step-by-step how to, but I do give an overview of this in the “Podcast Accessibility” section of “Making RPG Podcasts Accessible.”


Additional Resources

When Your Friends Are Your Coworkers: An article by Cole Burkhardt about safety and harassment policies for podcasters, with a focus on how to appropriately handle reports of harassment.

Website Accessibility: Clear and detailed instructions for better website accessibility


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